Success stories

Equipped with advanced genomic technologies, federal researchers are building the knowledge that may enable prediction and possibly even prevention of harmful algal blooms—the often-toxic green slime caused by uncontrolled growth of cyanobacteria that invades our waterways every summer.
Federal researchers are using genomics technologies to enhance monitoring of biodiversity at the bottom of Canada’s lakes and rivers—a key indicator of the health of a body of water.
A key to the successful outcomes of the Genomics R&D Initiative has been to ensure Canadian researchers have the tools they need to explore the almost infinite potential of genomics to enhance the health, safety and economic well-being of Canadians.
As a result of the Quarantine and Invasive Species research project funded by the Genomics R&D Initiative, Canada now has the capacity to quickly and accurately identify thousands of organisms, from insects to plant viruses, which can cause billions of dollars in damages.