Success stories

Wheat, oats and barley are 3 of the most important cereal crops grown in Canada and the long-term health and competitiveness of this critical part of our agri-food sector depends on a number of factors, including the ability of plant breeders to develop new and better varieties. Researchers are using advanced genomics technologies to better target and accelerate the breeding process.
Damage inflicted by insects costs the Canadian agricultural industry billions of dollars a year. Canadian researchers are helping to show how, in many cases, genomics-based approaches can reduce and even eliminate the need for chemical control.
Researchers at the Public Health Agency of Canada have developed a computer-based tool for subtyping Salmonella bacteria. Called BioHansel, the new tool will allow enhanced surveillance, source attribution and risk assessment for Salmonella, one of the most common causes of food poisoning in Canada and the world.